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Dori becomes the new "international" Ph.D. in the group

Dori (Adoración Zafra Álvarez) became Ph.D. last 29th. July after successful defence of her work, supervised by Juande Alché. The University of Granada (Spain) awarded Dori's Ph.D. an international mention, as her work fulfilled particular requirements as are the development of part of the experimental work in a foreing country (University of Bristol, U.K. under the supervision of Prof. John Hancock), the assessment of a panel of international experts from countries other than Spain (Prof. Mohan Sing, Melbourne, Australia; Prof. Simon Hiscock, University of Oxford, U.K.; Dr. Agnieszka and Krzysztof Zienkiewicz, Michigan State University, USA and Dr. Su Meiser, Agriculture Flagship, CSIRO, Floreat, Perth, Western Australia) and the inclusion of at least a chapter of the report and the "viva" in a foreing language. Dori's Ph.D., entitled: "an overview of ROS and RNS metabolism in the olive reproductive process" included six main chapters, three of which were published manuscripts, and other three manuscript ready for consideration by different journals.

The board in charge of assessing the defence was formed by Prof. Jose Mª Ramos (Department of Plant Physiology University of Granada) as the president, Dra. Mª Carmen Fernandez (Department of Cell Biology University of Granada) as the secretary, Prof. Simon Hiscock (University of Oxford, UK), Prof. Juan Bautista Barroso (Area of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at the University of Jaén) and Dr. José Antonio Hernández (CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia, Spain). The Ph. D. obtained the mark of "sobresaliente cum laude", the maximal qualification available at the University of Granada. After the viva, we had a great time at the restaurant "La Tagliatella". Congratulations, Dori!!!!.

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